Why the Design World Needs
Logo Design Theory
Why have some logos lasted for decades
and still look fresh and clear?
It is because they were designed in harmony
with the Core Principles of Branding Design,
whether their designers knew it or not.
Following Core Principles
does not guarantee inspired design,
but at least a logo can be clear and work for a client
in all situations and can serve them well
for decades, maybe even forever.

Why have so many logos needed to be replaced
after only a few years, in spite of
costing five and six figures to design?
Because those logos were designed contrary to
the Core Principles of Branding Design,
whether their designers knew it or not.
Ignoring the Core Principles of Branding Design
does guarantee that a logo will not work
and will need to be replaced.
Paying for a new brand design
is just the beginning.
The cost of implementing that new design
will be many times more
than the design fees.
But rebranding with a logo that might last forever
is not throwing good money away.
Buying the poor design in the first place was.
Photo Credit: David Scott Design Office

The Core Principles of Branding Design
are universal and immutable,
just like the law of gravity.
They can not be ignored.
Ignorance of them will not
protect you from the consequences
of violating them.
But the Core Principles of Branding Design
can be learned.
And they can be taught.
That is what I do.
Photo credit: Giuseppe Milo (www.pixael.com) VisualHunt.com
We’re not talking about Brand Positioning,
Brand Strategy, Consumer Research,
Brand Ideology, or Marketing.
We’re talking about