Branding Design: Self-Brainstorming
A technique for generating more and better branding concepts using your whole brain and the knowledge of the four kinds of concepts with the three kinds of components.
A technique for generating more and better branding concepts using your whole brain and the knowledge of the four kinds of concepts with the three kinds of components.
Excellent work can only be done when truly understanding the client's real needs. Through this exercise and with the client, a clear picture can emerge.
Of all the millions of logos that exist there are only four different kinds of concepts. The fourth kind of concept is abstract.
Of all the millions of logos that exist there are only four different kinds of concepts. The third kind of concept is corporate name.
Of all the millions of logos that exist there are only four different kinds of concepts. The second kind of concept is corporate ideals.
Of all the millions of logos that exist there are only four different kinds of concepts. The first kind of concept is corporate activity.
Before generating brand design concepts, it is wise to recognize the different identity components that can be used in branding design.