FInal Word
These principles work. Designers all over the world are feeling their way towards them. It doesn't have to be hit and miss.
These principles work. Designers all over the world are feeling their way towards them. It doesn't have to be hit and miss.
You can learn to be more creative. Here's a proven method based on the lives of some of the world's most creative people.
"Less is More" was never so true as in designing avatars for social media and favicons.
Looking at some long-lasting logos reenforces that logos do not need to be changed on a regular basis.
These three rebrandings cost a lot, but this was not wasted money. The money spent on the previous flawed identities, designed contrary to the Core Principles, was the wasted money.
Ignorance of immutable laws gives no immunity to the consequences of breaking them. Three world-class failed logos show us how true this is.
These principles of Logo Design Theory are starting to catch on. See the improvement when logos conform to these Core Principles.
Thin lines and tiny elements fill in, are not as legible at a distance or don't reproduce well in pixels. They must be avoided.
Refining shapes can help simplify an identity, which can improve its legibility.
Overlapping elements always make an identity harder to read. It is counter-productive. Some designers are starting to get this.